This course is a customized course for a company specific program and will address basic topics related to welding inspection based upon company requirements.
This course is intended to help welding instructors gain the knowledge needed to perform welder qualification testing in a professional, consistent, and code compliant manner. The focus of this course will be AWS D1.1 with a brief review of AWS B2.1 and the AWS Book of Specification Requirements. The Topics in the course are below.
- Introduction
- Before Testing
- The Testing Process
- Inspection and Documentation
- AWS B2.1 Info
- AWS BoS Clause 6 Info
- Creating a Written Program
This online resource is intended to be used in conjunction with face to face meetings and online meetings for welding inspection training. Some participants may be registered to observe the content only.
This course will address Fundamentals, Using AWS D1.1, and Understanding and Application of the AWS Book of Specifications.
- Teacher: Gerald Austin
This course contains a few resources that may be of help for those studying for the AWS CWI exam or just wanting to exercise their head about welding and inspection related topics. I allow people to check it out and use the materials as requested but this is NOT a replacement course for any of the commercial resources that are out there from AWS, Atlas API or many others.
As of this writing, this course will stop functioning on the 28th of January for most free participants.
- Helper: Gerald Austin
Coming Soon!
This resource will address the AWS Book of Specifications in a manner to help the student better understand using and code/specification and also make them more prepared for the AWS part B exam.
Individuals using these resources should already have a strong understanding of welding and inspection fundamentals, have suitable reading skills, and have basic communications skills.
This is an online resource however some participants may have the opportunity to attend face to face meetings. Whenever possible, those will be recorded and made available here.
This online section will be utilized as a repository for some materials, question bank for quizzes, and a platform for discussion. The effectiveness of this site is based upon your level of interest and participation.
Participants are encouraged to share information and challenge the instructor.
You will have to participate in activities to continue if you are a "free" participant.
Under Development
This course/forum is intended to be a closed community resource for those people needing some assistance understanding some of the topics they are learning. This is also a resource for all of us to build our knowledge and skill by helping others.
Debate based upon facts is encouraged. Respect is a necessity. Being right is sometimes not as valuable as being wrong!
This IS NOT the place for making fun of anyone or calling out their errors in anything less than a professional manner. All responses will be monitored.
This site/forum is owned by an individual and not a company so I get to make the policies.
Have a great day and weldcome.
Gerald Austin